Monday, December 05, 2005

I Was Lost, But Now Am Found

What does it mean, when people start asking what's going on with you in online forums? Google told me that this post had recently popped up about my website:

Not sure if it's horrible that I've been such a slacker lately, or if it's graat that I'm known enough to warrant a mention.

Those of you that haven't heard from me, take heart. I've taken a mental health vacation of sorts in the recent past. I kind of dropped out of circulation, only working on projects from my paying clients, and shoving everything else to the back., in particular, requires so much nurturing and my to do list for the site is extremely high, and so I just kind of abandoned it recently.

Many of you know that I went to Thailand in early November, and before leaving I was so busy I was working around the clock. When I got back, my mom came for a two week visit, so I didn't have much time then either. It was a fabulous, wonderful, teriffic trip, but I got into vacation mode, and have had a hard time coming out of it.

These days, I'm spending a lot of my time questioning whether I should abandon the website or not. I love it, I love the people that write me, but it is so much work and effort, and I have so many other things I wish to accomplish.

And now that I work from home, I need to be careful to allocate my time resources appropriately.

Wow, this blog suddenly went to a whine, whine, whine status. Anyway, I'll keep you all updated on the progress of me and the site. Next blog will contain pictures from Thailand, promise.

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